As from 2nd December 2020 the Environment Agency (EA) has resumed enforcement of mooring stay times on its waterways, apart from those in Tier 3 areas. Most EA waterways are currently in Tier 2 areas, apart from the Upper Medway Navigation and some of the Anglian waterways which are in Tier 3. Boat movements can resume but people are advised not to travel into or out of Tier 3 areas except for essential purposes.
The EA said: “We will continue to lift time restrictions on the short stay moorings we own or manage in tier 3
areas to assist those who live aboard their boats so they can access essential services”.
The EA’s latest update of 2nd December 2020 is here 20201202_FINAL_Nav_Guidance_2_Dec_2020
The situation on other navigation authorities’ waterways is similar, with a return to full enforcement in Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas, but restricted boat movement in Tier 3 areas.
For the full list of restriction tiers by area in England, see
The EA update of 4th November 2020 is here 20201104_FINAL_approved Nav_Guidance_4_Nov_2020