In an unprecedented move, Canal & River Trust (CRT) is increasing boat licence fees twice this year with another inflation-linked rise of 4% from 1st October 2022. This follows the 4% rise on 1st April 2022. Boaters renewing their licences from 1st October will therefore face a combined 8% increase. Licence fees for the year beginning April 2023 will be fixed in November 2022. CRT says that it will “continue to support boaters who may be struggling to pay their licence fees on a case-by-case basis. This may include arranging flexible payment plans and signposting to relevant services”.
CRT claims it is also taking measures to save costs and to increase income from other sources, such as scaling back on what it calls “non-essential” works and concentrating on works “which are required legally or which support navigation” and this winter a number of planned works will be deferred.