Bargee Travellers are seriously under-represented on CRT’s governing Council, its regional advisory boards/ waterway partnerships and its navigation and other advisory groups. The decisions of all of these bodies have the potential to adversely affect our community. Members may wish to stand for election to the CRT Council. More information from CRT is available via the link below. If you are interested in standing and you would like to discuss this with the NBTA Committee, please contact or 0118 321 4128.
Here is the text of CRT’s press release about the elections:
“We’re looking for boaters to stand for election to our governing Council with nominations opening on 21 October until 18 November.
The Council is currently made up of 50 elected and independently nominated members together with six Regional Advisory Board chairs. Together they reflect the wide appeal of the waterways – from boating and angling through to walking and conservation. The Council is responsible for the appointment of Trustees, helps to shape policies and provides guidance and perspective to Trustees.
Of particular note, given that this is a boaters’ update, is the information relating to private boating representation on the Council:
There are four posts available
We’re including roving traders in the private boating category
To be eligible to put yourself forward as a candidate, you must hold a 12-month canal or river boat licence (including roving traders) on 19 September 2019 and be supported by three sponsors who each meet this criterion.
Nominations are open from 21 October to 18 November. Eligible private boaters will receive an email with a link to the voting portal (this is different to our normal website). Candidates will be asked to upload some information about themselves, a manifesto (200 words), a photo (optional, but we suggest they provide one so their peers can recognise them) and the names of their sponsors.
A reminder email will be sent out to those who haven’t put themselves forwards. Candidates can start their application form, save it and return to it once you’re ready to complete and submit it. You must however submit it by the deadline of 18 November otherwise it won’t be counted.
The entire election process is online. If we do not have an email address for private boaters, they will receive a letter but will need to go online to put themself forward as a candidate. All of the information on how to do this will be in the letter.
We’ll announce the results on 25 November.
If the number of candidates is greater than four, we’ll open for voting in January. If we receive only four nominations, those individuals will be appointed and the election for this post will end.
Successful candidates will start their term on Council in March 2020
More information, including FAQs, can be found on our website. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for then please get in touch.
Allan Leighton, chair of Canal & River Trust, said: “We are excited to be holding these elections to our Council and I would encourage boaters to stand as candidates. The Council plays a vital role in our governance framework and this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved with our work, find out more about the opportunities and challenges we face, and channel the views of these constituency groups.”
The election process will be run independently of the Trust by Civica Election Services.”