Boaters’ Spring Fayre, 14th May

Boaters’ Spring Fayre         Next to the Clapton S Bend in Hackney          Ain’t No Party like an S Bend Party!

We are proud to announce the Boaters’ Spring Fayre community event on Sunday 14th May 2023 starting at 12 noon in defence and celebration of our way of life. All boaters and non-boaters are welcome.

We are holding this event of music, acts, stalls and more at one of the key sites the Canal and River Trust (CRT) are trying to erase us from.

At one point CRT called these areas ‘water sports zones’; they then renamed them ‘water safety zones’. These designated ‘zones’ are a part of CRT’s strategy to remove places where boaters can moor. The renaming is part of a PR exercise, the restrictions they are attempting to enact inside the zones have nothing to do with safety.

Initially CRT had plans to get rid of 550 mooring spaces along the River Lea where people can stay up to 14 days at a time. But following the magnificent efforts of events, activism, resolve and resistance from the boating community to push back against the designated zones, CRT relented on the full threatened 550 mooring spaces. However, they continue to try and eliminate 295 mooring spaces, including the Clapton S bend. Boaters are making CRT feel the continuous pushback of our community by ignoring the ‘no mooring’ signs erected by CRT and on Sunday 14th May we will be celebrating our community’s resolve at this key site of resistance. All are welcome 🙂

Please say you’re going on the Facebook event:

North Millfields Recreation Ground,
Clapton, London E5 9PB