CRT’s restructure of its enforcement team went live on about 5th September 2024. The main enforcement team is now called “Boat Licensing, Compliance & Enforcement Team”. There are no individual contact details published, only and
Author: NBTA
NBTA K&A branch meeting 24th September, online
Calling all boaters on the Kennet and Avon Canal! Get involved in action and support locally. For more information please email The next NBTA K&A online meeting is on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 7pm.
Licence strike move gathers pace
Canal & River Trust (CRT) has introduced its discriminatory surcharge against boats without a home mooring. As every day passes, more boaters realise that the cost of their licence is spiralling upwards while boater facilities continue to be closed and itinerant boat dwellers suffer increasingly draconian and unlawful enforcement. As more boaters realise that they […]
Elmbridge anti-mooring PSPO suspended due to legal challenge
A boater is bringing a legal challenge to the Elmbridge Borough Council Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that prohibits mooring on the Council’s land on the River Thames for more than 24 hours. The Order initially came into force in March 2024. As the result of this legal challenge, Elmbridge Council has suspended the PSPO. […]
Public Inquiry into proposed PLA Harbour Revision Order
The Port of London Authority (PLA) has been attempting to enact a Harbour Revision Order (HRO) since 2019 and has carried out at least two consultations with boaters and other interested parties. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), which is the body that authorises HROs, has recently made it known that it will carry out a […]
NBTA calls for CRT to drop range requirement following publication of boater census report
The National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA), which represents thousands of itinerant boat dwellers living on the UK’s waterways, is calling for the end of the Canal & River Trust’s (CRT’s) current enforcement policy. CRT – the charity that manages the majority of the UK’s inland waterways – has this week published the full results of […]
Kennet and Avon NBTA meeting, 20th August, online
The next online meeting of the K&A NBTA branch will be on Tuesday 20th August 2024 at 7pm . Get involved and have your say!
Boat Safety Scheme issues urgent safety alert for some Morco LPG water heaters
The Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) is working with Morco in support of its on-going campaign to find and fix potentially dangerous models of its LPG water heaters that may leak gas causing fires or explosions.
CRT plans to restructure its enforcement team
In a meeting between NBTA and Canal & River Trust (CRT) in May 2024, CRT informed us that it would be carrying out a major restructuring of its licence support [ie enforcement] and welfare teams to separate welfare from enforcement. CRT has been consulting with staff and unions with a view to implementing the new […]
Boaters can use household recycling centres after complaint to Council
Itinerant boat dwellers have been turned away from local authority household recycling centres due to not being able to produce evidence of local residency such as a Council Tax bill. A liveaboard boater family travelling around Hertfordshire and Essex challenged this exclusion recently on the basis that it amounted to discrimination. They complained to both […]