Canal & River Trust Council elections – nominations open 21st October to 18th November

Bargee Travellers are seriously under-represented on CRT’s governing Council, its regional advisory boards/ waterway partnerships and its navigation and other advisory groups. The decisions of all of these bodies have the potential to adversely affect our community. Members may wish to stand for election to the CRT Council. More information from CRT is available via […]

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Boater Health Survey, respond now

Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) are carrying out a short health survey of liveaboard boaters as part of their campaign to end discrimination in health services. This is the first nationwide health survey of the boat dweller community. The survey has had over 300 responses so far and will run for another two weeks. You […]

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Middle Level Commissioners extend deadline for objections to draft byelaws to 18th November following NBTA complaint

The deadline for objecting to the draft Middle Level navigation byelaws 2019 has now been extended to 18th November 2019 and the procedure for objections has been publicised on Objections can be sent by email – we recommend sending objections to and copying them to If posting the address is:

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