Middle Level Navigation Byelaws confirmed

The Middle Level Navigation Byelaws 2020, which provide enforcement powers for the Middle Level Commissioners (MLC) regarding boat registration, compulsory third party insurance and Boat Safety certification, were confirmed by the Secretary of State for DEFRA on 28th May 2021. The MLC however, have been demanding that boaters pay for a “licence” and were requiring […]

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CRT Terms and Conditions: Second pre-action letter sent to Canal & River Trust

Following the publication by Canal & River Trust (CRT) of its revised Boat Licence Terms and Conditions, the NBTA’s lawyers sent a second pre-action protocol letter to CRT this week. We would like to again thank everyone who has contributed to the appeal to fund this legal challenge – see https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/protect-boats-homes/– Please keep sharing and […]

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CRT publishes new Boat Licence Terms and Conditions in spite of challenges and ICO decision upholding NBTA complaint

Canal & River Trust (CRT) yesterday published its revised Boat Licence Terms and Conditions which have been slightly re-worded but have not fully taken consultation responses into account. The NBTA and other concerned people and groups will continue the legal challenge to the new Boat Licence Terms and Conditions. We are very grateful to all […]

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